KUALA LUMPUR, April 22 - Datuk Seri Najib Razak today freed the country's services sector by ending the 30 per cent Bumiputera equity rule in an attempt to improve Malaysia's competitiveness in the
softening global economy.
The Prime Minister, who is also the finance minister, promised further liberalisation, saying that he would announce details of the liberalisation of the financial sector next week.
Reading from a prepared statement the Prime Minister said he expected a greater flow of foreign investments in the services sector which currently forms 11 per cent of total investment.
"Recognising the growth potential in the services sector, the government has decided to immediately liberalise 27 services sub-sectors, with no equity condition imposed. These sub-sectors are in the areas of health and social services, tourism services, transport services, business services and computer and related services," said Najib.
The government, he added, would also allow foreign legal firms to practice in the country but to only offer services in Islamic finance.
Good move.Tak ada la orang Melayu asyik nak bergayut dengan 30pc dalam DEB.Ini la baru nama nya ketuanan rakyat.Apa komen PERKASA?Apa komen Pewaris?Apa komen PEKIDA?Ayahanda?Pejuang melayu?PPIM??Tak rasa tergugat ke bila kuota bumi di tarik balik?Tak nak turun berdemo depan bangunan UMNO??Mohd Jamaluddin Nizar (PAS) 21,860
Ismail Saffian (BN-Umno) 19,071
Kamarul Ramizu Idris (Ind) 62
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